


What Is Emotional Distress From a Personal Injury? 


What Is Emotional Distress From a Personal Injury?

If you cycle in Florida, you’ll know what a thrill it is, but no doubt you’ve heard the statistics and have read the newspapers: Florida is the deadliest state for cyclists. Perhaps you have been involved in a bicycle injury, an automobile accident, or a pretty terrifying near-miss. But it’s not until it happens to you, or someone you love, that you realize the impact it can have.  Long after the broken glass is swept up, and the cuts and bones are healing, the emotional scars can linger. In addition to your body being left bruised and battered, your emotions can take a big hit. You may be wondering “what is emotional distress?”.The emotional impact of a personal injury can feel like this:

  1. Fear and anxiety

No wonder you’re left shaken after a bicycle injury or car accident. You’re thinking of how the incident has affected your life and could have even cut it short. Typical reactions after an injury include replaying what happened over and over again and analyzing what could have been done differently. Nightmares and flashbacks are also common.

  1. Loss of confidence

What if something like this happens again? Cycling used to be your freedom, your exercise, your headspace. Now, your confidence is knocked. Family and friends know that you’ve taken care to exercise safely, but you worry that the roads are just too dangerous now. 

  1. Stress

On top of your physical recovery, you now have the financial burden to carry, and your stress levels are at an all-time high. We’re talking loss of income, bike or car repairs, medical bills, and more. 

  1. Anger

Did you ever say to yourself ‘why me?’ Well, if you’ve been a victim of a personal injury at the hands of a distracted driver whose world collided into yours simply because the other person wasn’t paying attention, chances are you’re feeling pretty mad about that. Texting, chatting, or adjusting a GPS means the driver wasn’t focused. Or maybe you’re feeling angry that another person failed to drive safely because they didn’t take the time and care to get to know the local area or rules of the road. You’ve been safety-conscious and considerate, never leaving the house without a helmet, and always obeying traffic laws, but now you’re the one left with the consequences. 

The road to recovery

If you’ve been impacted by a bicycle or car injury, you’re not alone. Getting back in the saddle, or back behind the wheel takes courage. We recommend taking these steps to get you on the road well again.

  1. Give yourself time

Who says there’s an exact date when you have to be back cycling or driving again? Do what feels right for you, on your timeline, when you’re ready.

  1. Talk about it

If you have persistent difficulty sleeping or ongoing fears, talking to a close friend or therapist can really tackle those anxieties and doubts. Get it off your chest.

  1. Keep company

The first time you’re back on the road after a  bicycle injury, ask a friend to come with you if you’re feeling a little shaky. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. With the help of a friend, build yourself back up to where you used to be.

  1. In your corner

You need an experienced, compassionate, and dedicated team behind you to maximize the claim that you genuinely deserve. Jenkins Law P.L understands and fights for compensation so that you can tackle all of those bills and get on with life again. Hopefully, this article has answered the question “what is emotional distress”. For more information on emotional distress and personal injury get in touch with us today to see how we can be there for you when you need us most.
