
Clearwater Car Accident Attorney


Clearwater Car Accident Attorney

Clearwater Car Accident Attorney

When looking for a Clearwater car accident attorney, many times, individuals don’t give the matter much thought. They just want to get their case heard and resolved as soon as possible. When it comes to this issue, you need excellent legal representation by an expert car accident attorney like Jenkins Law.

Our team is known for aggressively pursuing car insurance companies. Jenkins Law will maximize your damages to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries, income loss, inability to perform certain duties while injured, out-of-pocket expenses, and possibly permanent issues.

Our Process

We know it is our responsibility to show you your injuries and to present to the insurance company a clear picture of how the car accident has affected your quality of life. After our accident lawyers have begun representation, we will thoroughly examine the claim. We may, if necessary or possible:

1. Interview all witnesses

Witnesses are always subject to time. People move about and forget things, so it is important to get their statements and memories sorted out.

2. Take photographs of the scene to prove liability

You may also find relevant footage from the crash thanks to the increased use of private security cameras in nearby businesses.

3. Take photographs of the property damage to all vehicles

Photographic evidence can help preserve the exact condition of a car’s damage immediately after it has been damaged and also confirm the nature of its crash.

4. Conduct a background check of the defendant

Including their criminal record. You may be affected by incidents in the past legal history of the other driver, such as suspensions or revocations.

5. Get all medical records prior to and after an accident

This could be evidence that the driver failed to adhere to a “duty to care” for operating a motor vehicle.

6. Retain competent experts

We will retain competent experts to help us present our case if we are awarded a claim in litigation. An experienced lawyer for car accidents will have access to many outside experts who can help with the complex causes and complications of an accident.

7. Review and obtain cell phone records

We will review and obtain cell phone records of any suspects that the at-fault driver was using their cell phone during the car accident. Distracted driving has become a more common reason for auto accidents. For those who have the technical knowledge, it is possible to obtain a history of a driver’s phone activities just before an accident.

Contact Jenkins Law Today!

Jenkins Law, P.A. is your Clearwater Car Accident Attorney. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another driver, call Jenkins Law now! 

Our auto accident lawyer/law firm has a great deal of experience and success handling car accident cases in the state of Florida. A lawyer can also give you peace of mind knowing that a reputable professional is looking out for your rights as well as the best interests of your family.