
Gainesville Insurance Claim Lawyers


Gainesville Insurance Claim Lawyers

Here at Jenkins Law P.L., we understand that insurance claim situations are never fun and are usually sticky situations. When the end goal of the insurance company is to find some way to underpay, deny, or delay your compensation, you are NOT in good hands! If you need Gainesville insurance claim lawyers, it’s important that you do research to find the most competent, experienced, and successful firm in the area. Jenkins Law P.L. is here to be that one-stop solution! We have years of experience battling the big insurance companies in the state of Florida, we have delivered proven results. Our clients receive the compensation that they deserve for paying for the policy, not the compensation that the insurance company decides is worthwhile. One of the best ways for an insurance claim company to increase its profitability is by cutting costs. What is one of the largest costs for insurance companies? Insurance claim compensation payouts! This is why insurance companies regularly underpay and deny your insurance claims!


Florida is a rough state to live in when it comes to purchasing insurance policies. There are so many natural dangers that a local resident must worry about. With the number of cases they handle on a daily basis, the insurance companies have become extremely proficient at finding various reasons and causes to place blame back onto the client and save themselves cash! 

Choosing The Right Insurance Claim Lawyer

Florida has one of the highest rates of clear, sunny days in the nation! But, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the Sunshine State. Not even the Florida humidity can stop a fire wildfire from causing millions of dollars in damage. In addition to the threat of fire damage, Florida is particularly dangerous when the Atlantic hurricane season rolls around. Depending on the severity of that particular year, multiple hurricanes have the chance of hitting Florida from all angles, causing widespread devastation and requiring millions upon millions of dollars in repairs to bring the state back into working order.


Hurricanes generate windstorms able to rip apart residences and litter debris far and wide. This violent wind destroys homes, tearing off entire roofs, causing trees to fall and damage structures, and flinging branches and other strewn debris into the property.  An insurance claim company will do its best to place some of this blame on you so they can avoid paying out the full amount of your catastrophic losses. Hurricanes are also renowned for the water damage they cause. The storm surge that these hurricanes bring with them is able to drown and flood entire coastlines! 

Contact Jenkins Law

Our team is aware of these types of damages and the strategies that insurance firms use to underpay on them! Let us handle your insurance claim policy case today! We believe that the only good attorney is a communicative one, contact us today for more information!