


Fire Safety Month: Protecting Your Business from Fire  

Fire Safety Month: Protecting Your Business from Fire  


It takes hard work and dedication to run a successful small business. Customers are counting on you to keep a high standard of products and service. Employees are depending on you for their livelihood, and to provide a functional and safe work environment. 

Hey, no pressure…

So, every day, you do your best to keep all of the plates spinning. And little by little, your efforts pay off and your business is no longer a pipe dream, but a fully formed company.

Now, imagine if all of that went up in smoke…

This October, we’re marking Fire Safety Month. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has sponsored the public observance of Fire Prevention Week within Fire Protection Month since 1922. It’s all in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire. The goal of the event is to raise awareness of fire safety in the United States, talk about how to avoid fires, and remind us all what to do in the event of a fire emergency. 

We think it’s an important event, because we’ve seen the devastating effect that fires can have on a home or business, and we know that many fires can be prevented. So, let’s take some time to consider our top fire safety tips to keep your commercial property protected from fire. 

  1. Raising the alarm

The NFPA’s theme for 2021 is ‘learn the sounds of fire safety.’ Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are essential in your business and could alert staff in time and save lives if a fire broke out. Schedule time to test that the alarms are sounding and change the batteries if needed.

  1. Planning your escape

Would your staff know what to do if they hear an alarm or discover a fire at work? Would they spring into action or wait to be instructed? The only way to find out is to plan your escape, together as a team. Staff training and evacuation drills are the best way to ensure that everyone knows what to do in an emergency.

  1. Putting out a fire

You’ll need a fire extinguisher on every level of your business, ideally situated near a potential source of fire such as electrical office equipment or kitchen equipment. For an office area, you’ll need an extinguisher suitable for electrical hazards, such as carbon dioxide. Restaurants and kitchens will require a class K extinguisher that can tackle fats.

  1. Checking equipment

Take the time to visually inspect all portable electrical equipment and discard anything with frayed wiring or visible damage. Check for overloaded electrical cords. Don’t allow electrical appliances to run at night as these could generate heat or suffer an electrical malfunction. Store anything flammable appropriately, such as cleaning chemicals, or products containing alcohol or gas. 

If the Worst Should Happen

Whether due to electrical fault, cigarettes, arson attack, or accidental reasons, a fire at your business is devastating. From the loss of life, loss of productivity and income, to severe damage to the property, a fire can pump the brakes on your workplace for a long time.

Take the opportunity now to check your business insurance policy. Does it cover fire? Do you have coverage for business interruption and profit loss? 

When making a commercial insurance claim, remember that your chances of claiming what you deserve are greatly increased with the right legal representation at your side. Without this expert advice, you can be easily dismissed and back to square one. 

Jenkins Law PL is the leader when it comes to commercial insurance claims, so let’s get your business back on its feet. We’re ready for your call
