


Jenkins Law

A Decade of Jenkins Law: Here’s What We’ve Learned


We’re pinching ourselves here at Jenkins Law PL. That’s because the firm has just hit its 10th birthday.

That’s double digits!

We know – we don’t look a day over nine…

Now, birthdays are the ideal time to reflect, to think about how far we’ve come, and to plan what lies ahead. 

So today, as we blow out ten candles, we’re taking a moment to think about the lessons we’ve learned and why they mean so much to us. 

  • Connections

Over the last decade, we’ve made connections with incredible people who we are grateful to have in our lives. These are business and personal connections through our legal work, community volunteering, attending conferences, and networking. They have each taught us so much and enriched our lives and our law practice.

  • Justice

There’s nothing quite like putting up a fight for something you’re passionate about and then winning. 

We recall the clients over the years who have suffered a personal injury, often due to a careless driver, and struggled with mounting medical bills, emotional distress, and loss of income. We helped them get the compensation they needed to put the pieces back together. We remember the hurricane victims whose homes were battered but claimed enough compensation to restore their homes to their former glory.

The reason that it felt so good to be a part of those cases is because justice was served. This is our purpose.

  • Team

Over the last ten years, we have built up a solid team and together we have built a solid reputation for personal injury and property insurance claims. But it’s not about how many legal cases we win, it’s about how well we work together.

This last decade has taught us the meaning of ‘work hard play hard’ and about what it means to have a team that we can depend on.

  • Community

Do you know that phrase “use your powers for good”? Well, this has resonated with us over the last ten years because we have been in the fortunate position to do some good in our community

There have been many causes close to our hearts over the years and we have been able to use our connections, skills, and platform to make a difference. And the generosity of our supporters is always humbling.

Here’s to the next 10…

We have learned these important lessons with thanks to our Florida community, who have always had our backs. We serve our clients and our community to the best of our ability, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. 

Connections, justice, team, and community: these are the four important lessons that we have learned here at Jenkins Law over the last decade. 

So, what challenges and learning will the next ten years bring?

As always, if you need us, we are just a call away. 
