


Attorneys and Public Adjusters Work Together to Help Homeowners


Attorneys and Public Adjusters Work Together to Help Homeowners

Attorneys and Public Adjusters Work Together to Help HomeownersPublic adjusters and attorneys can be a huge asset when it comes to protecting homeowners in Florida. Insurance adjusters, as well as lawyers who handle property damage claims, can make sure a client’s home insurance pays appropriately for damage. Public adjusters and attorneys will often play a critical role throughout the process of filing an insurance claim. 

Work for public adjusters is increasing as many people are discovering that they can improve the total amount that they will receive from any property claim. Reports would suggest that there is nearly a 750% increase in the total amount of payouts from property insurance when public adjusters were working on the case.  In one survey, the average insurance payout without a public adjuster was just over $2000, whereas homeowners who had the help of a public adjuster and attorney received upwards of $17,000 in benefits.

In addition to a substantial increase in the funds received from acclaimed, there was an expedited process to each claim as well.

How attorneys aid public adjusters?

Public adjusters often need allies to collect the maximum possible insurance claim. Lawyers work to help public adjusters in two main ways including:

  • Filing lawsuits on behalf of policyholders 
  • Delivering civil remedy notices with insurer violations

Lawyers will help public adjusters fight for the homeowner by filing a civil remedy notice. A civil remedy notice outlines the specific violations incurred by the insurance company in adjusting the claim.  This is the first step in setting up a bad faith insurance claim against the insurance company. A bad faith claim occurs when an insurance company intentionally refuses to act in the best interest of an insured or when they have acted unfairly or misrepresented a policy. \

The way that lawyers can help public adjusters:

Lawyers can also work with public adjusters in the process of filing lawsuits. When a public adjuster is working for a homeowner and the insurance company is continuing to delay, then a lawyer can file a lawsuit to ensure the insurance company responds to the claim, properly evaluates the claim, and pays what is owed.  The public adjuster can also use their experience to help the attorney improve the maximum claim payout deserved for their client.
